Move For Change

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Move For Change Members

To maintain the concept of a modern, open, shared, and united artistic community, we need more artists… a lot more! 😉 Explore the projects of our members! Some of them have socially engaged themes, while others include campaigns, activities, and events for working with art in various communities.

Become a member

If you are a professional artist.

If the art you practice has a socially engaged focus.

If you believe that what you create would be in the right place right here.

Then we joyfully invite you to become a member of our platform!

This means:

  • Virtual presence of your project on and other digital channels of the platform.
  • Joining a community of artists who share similar visions, quests, and findings in art.
  • Opportunity for dialogue with audiences and exchange with other members of the platform. And more… (but perhaps it’s more on the invisible side of things)


Fill out the form, and we will contact you.